
Kalpana Mangu

How to prepare for a job interview
What makes a good interview
  • One. Know the job description                           Clear objective.
  • Two. research the company  well.     
  • Three. know your interviewer's                          Develops logically
  • Four. Research what the company                     Keeps the audience involved 
    • Responsibilities                               Is conducted impartially
    • Skills                                                  Is under the control of the interviewer
    • Competencies                                appear spontaneous - fresh energetic - interesting

    Qualities Employers Seek
    Interview Communication  skills
  • Good communication skills                      A good handshake
  • Team work ability                                      Pronounce the interviewer's name PROPERLY.
  • Initiative & self reliance                           Get the interviewer to do a lot of the talking
  • Enthusiasm, commitment                        Maintain good eye contact with your interviewer
  • & motivation                                              Smile. Look as if you are enjoying the conversation.
  • Good all - round intelligence.                  Have a Confident posture
  • A balanced personality.                            Mirror your interviewer's body language
😂   Mangu  👪