apr - 11

Yamini on Blogger, for ShiShira.
Apr 11.  Salaam Namaste.
Thursday Analytic.  on day hearing by writing is : Finishing assignment..*
the line went too far for a thought, letters of few designed on my think of mirror assigning  ... fear is the friction in all transitions. 
missing lo ... Reduce the fiction and you'll reduce the friction.
ShiShira is about ......
Length of one song
The project as if...
Numerical and Live.
Refreshing on ShiShira - Thank you.
I hope you have all enjoyed it.
In contrast …. Enjoy the next.
यादों का है विशाल आकार,
शिशिरा  रखें एक प्रांगण
एक माला के मोती है सब,
शिक्षा के मंदिर के ज्योति हैं सब।
Let's do the trick of waking ourselves again with ShiShira.  Yours's of Kalpana.

The human voice is the most perfect instrument of all.